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Autodopravce s dodávkovými vozidly do 3,5t Plzeň

Vision for everyday challenges

Our Vision

As an independent company with a solid foundation, we are constantly evolving. Our independence allows us to determine the direction and speed of our development to meet your needs. Long-term partnerships enrich our network. Our main concerns are the current and future requirements of our customers so they can rely on the abilities and skills of the Nosek Group. We bring people together within the company, which also represents our vision: independence, sustainability, commitment and excellent services. A complete logistics solution planned down to the last detail and executed perfectly creates the necessary capacity for the strong growth of the Nosek Group. The Nosek Group sees it as its duty to work prudently and attentively and continue to evolve along with the ever-changing world. We started with our domestic markets but also want to succeed on the European ones. At Nosek Group, we want to be a leading provider of modern logistic and environmentally friendly transport services.

Vnitrostátní a mezinárodní autodoprava

Business Premises:

Nosek Group s.r.o.

Alej Svobody 56

Plzeň 32300, Czechia

Company registration number: 05616280

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